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pebblestorm-dollar-tao-sketchFor people working on discovering their Unique Genius, this quote is so perfect:

“Make peace with outrageous abundance. You are more likely to have a pure vibration and attract more abundance if you leave money out of the equation. But it isn’t because money is the “root of all evil.” It’s because it messes up your vibration, usually.”

The quote is perfect because worrying about money too early in the process of finding your Unique Genius will distort it, and stunt it.  Worrying about money (and status, and career) is why you don’t know what it is in the first place!

I wrote a blog post last year about while I knew PebbleStorm would make money sometime, I had no idea how it would happen: How will PebbleStorm [or insert your business here] make money?

This is the main reason why I tell people to keep their day job or some source of income while they work on their passion project part-time (as I have with PebbleStorm) – so they can be patient with how it manifests without needing to make money too soon.   Having said that – at some point you have to start making money from it, to actually make the idea and company healthy and grow it – money is like oxygen to a business.

It’s like a child growing up – you don’t want them to HAVE to work for money when they’re too young, although summer jobs can be good experience.  They can play with money and jobs, without ‘needing’ them.  And at some point, say in their teen years, holding more serious jobs part-time or in the summers can also tune their business sense.  You don’t want a 30 year old who’s never made money for themselves – that isn’t healthy either!  The trick is helping them learn how to be comfortable making money without letting “make money” become their main goal, something that distracts them from finding meaning in their life.

Although there are parts of PebbleStorm that I’ll still do free while I experiment, overall I am now shifting it to a money-making mode (over the next six months), because that is what will stimulate it’s ability to impact people (both more people and in more ways).


FIRST get clear on what you want to do with your life,

THEN find ways to make money from it.

You literally can make money from anything now because of the internet…once you get clear on what you want and your Unique Genius.


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    3 Responses to “How Money Can Mess Up And Help Your Unique Genius”

    1. George Kao Says:

      Wonderful post, Aaron!

      I’ve just been pondering this same question (and will be writing a Facebook Note about it soon).

      There’s so much talk from Marketing Coaches, Internet Marketers focused on some version of “make big money fast” or “make money from home” … this message is so accessible that many people get caught up in the illusion and forget that it’s not about the money (first) if we want to find our true livelihood and be ABLE to make money through enjoyment!

    2. Paul Mobley Says:

      Great reminder about needing a clear vision! Thanks for contributing to
      community your valuable insights and your ability to take complex concepts and communicate them in simple ways.

    3. Peter Caputa Says:

      Well said, “This is the main reason why I tell people to keep their day job or some source of income while they work on their passion project part-time (as I have with PebbleStorm) – so they can be patient with how it manifests without needing to make money too soon.”

      However, when I started my first real business, I was forced to figure out how to make money after funding went away. I’m not sure we would have figured it out if I didn’t have to do it.

      I’m now at a point where I feel I have the right amount of personal cash flow (and experience) where I could create something that I love doing that will attract money.

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