embrace the shit

April 11th, 2011

Post to Twitter

in my newsletter recently, when i announced my new unique genius ebook (my best work ever), titled “You Can Make As Much Money As You Want, Doing
What You Love
,” i also mentioned that i’d be re-opening the Unique Genius Superhero Program soon.

i decided to postpone that re-opening indefinitely while i got my life in order in important ways.  that is, i am learning a lot about how i sabotage myself and my happiness in my love relationships.

in fact, about two weeks ago i thought about writing a post called “i’m a mess and exhausted”, or “embrace the shit”, or…

well, you get the idea 🙂

just because you figure out what your dream business is, and then build it, doesn’t mean life is all ponies and roses.

do you move from job to job, but are always dissatisfied?  or relationship to relationship, but none are good enough? perhaps the common theme is you, not them.

whatever challenges you have…don’t run from them – face them. conquer them now so they don’t follow you…and so doing you will find the silver lining / treasure / prize in them that will what powers your happiness and money/work.

it’s not easy.  it can be frickin’ scarey to look in the mirror and take full RESPONSIBILITY for your life and actions…

but it’s worse to live while lying to yourself and blaming other people for your own frustrations.

(yes, i have done and do that too, so i am speaking from experience.)

my great friend richard walker says, “true happiness can’t be achieved without experiencing true sadness and loss.”

you can learn the most from your failures, and feeling sadness creates the opening to feel more gratitude on the other side.

in other words, embrace the shit!

in gratitude,

aaron ross
(aka “air”)


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One Response to “embrace the shit”

  1. Guy Says:


    You wrote – “that is, i am learning a lot about how i sabotage myself and my happiness in my love relationships.”

    You so need a session of dating with dignity.

    but i do like the inspirational stuff – being an entrepreneur is hard work and the pick me ups are awesome. keep it up – and do so with dignity.


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