Project 2057

April 17th, 2008

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This 50-year vision came to me in a flash on August 9th, 2007, at lunch with Zaw Thet in Palo Alto. Ah I can remember the moment like it was yesterday 🙂    I wondered, what kind of big, hairy audacious goal would help inspire and focus not just myself, but the entire PebbleStorm community?pebblestorm-project-2057-sketch-small

[1] Help 100 million people make money through enjoyment

[2] Help them create $1 trillion in new wealth

[3] Find ways to measure and increase their happiness with work

I’ve only updated Project2057 a couple of times since August07: the original point 1 said ‘change the way 100 million people think about work’…which has since evolved to the “Help 100 million people make money through enjoyment”.

One Response to “Project 2057”

  1. Carol Dirck Says:

    Wow, this looks great. Conditioning people to let go of ownership is an task that can be started in less than emotional arenas. Think along the lines of taking a couch potato to marathon runner… what would be the best way to ease into this new way of being? Certainly not by taking them out for a run… Your concepts and perceptions are in line with progress but are the people?

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