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aaron-1-croppedIf you could go back and give “yourself-of-six-months-ago” advice around working, and specifically around how to find your purpose while having more success and fun with work, what would you tell yourself?  What three pieces of advice would you share?

Yes, this is me around 4 years old. If I could only go back in time and give myself some advice that I’d actually listen to and obey… 🙂

I think you’ll know what I mean when I say I used to rush around in work so much that I never had a chance to pause, breathe and reflect on what was working and not working in, um, work.

How often do we stop and reflect?  (Or even just stop?)  Not enough!  Yet it was taking a pause (in the form of a trip to Asia waaaaaay back in mid-2007), that helped create the mental space for the vision of PebbleStorm.

The phrase that comes to mind is “those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.”  Anything with the word “doom”, I want to avoid!

On October 28, we had a PebbleStorm webinar on “Lessons Learned” since PebbleStorm’s launch back in March.  Specifically, I’ve been thinking about “what advice would I give myself back then?”, what 3-5 pieces of advice would I share to help me be more successful with greater ease, clarity and fun?  I’ve been asking what advice the other PebbleStormers would give their prior selves too… so that we can all benefit from it.

What We Shared:

  • I’ll share my own Top 5 Lessons Learned from doing this program over the past six months. What advice would I give my past self?
  • Some other PebbleStormers will be sharing as well – what would advice would they give their past selves?
  • The two most popular pieces of advice that people shared will surprise you!
  • What works?  What have people accomplished?
  • Funny enough, all these lessons learned are ones YOU can still learn from, that yourself of six months in the future would tell you now!

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Yesterday the Amazing Onna and I had some fun recording video, which can be fun if you don’t take it too seriously 🙂

Have you ever felt blocked from doing something you felt you should do?  I mean, blocked for MONTHS?  I find that happens to me all the time, and rather than using discipline and willpower to push my way through, I practice using fun and enjoyment to sneak around the resistance.

For example, I know I ‘should’ have been doing more video over the past months to help people connect with me and PebbleStorm, but I’ve been resisting it – for no good reason. And the longer I waited, the more guilty I felt…

Finally I took my own advice – to redesign/reframe how doing more video could be fun, so that the blocks and resistance disappear. On Monday, Onna Young and I had some fun shooting video on Monday for PebbleStorm. The result?  The rest of this post…

We’ll keep playing with video – it’ll be fun to see how this evolves.

How have you had fun creating business (or personal) videos? Please share your tips in the comments!

Welcome to PebbleStorm”  Video Now On The “About” Page

Where did the name PebbleStorm come from?

Casey Berman Shares About The PebbleStorm Community

9 Ways To Have Fun Creating Videos For Your Business

  1. Buy a simple and fun video recorder for under $200: like a Flip, a FlipHD, or even a handheld camera.  My pocket camera Canon PowerShot SD 780is takes high-definition video as well.  You don’t need an expensive camera.  If you have a Mac or a webcam than you already have one ready to go.
  2. Do it with a fun person/people – apply this lesson to everything!  It makes all the difference in creating video, creating businesses, or creating your life 🙂
  3. Keep it simple – yes you can create a fancy setting, background, etc… but you don’t need to.  For these videos, we just walked outside to my front yard and started shooting.
  4. Play with the editing – I use iMovie on my mac. It’s simple and really is fun to play with the different settings, fades, etc.  I just make sure I don’t spend too much time trying to get it perfect.  I literally just play with it.
  5. Practice…but don’t be a perfectionist. We took several takes of each, but overall perhaps spent 30 minutes to an hour on these and the other video shots we did.  And it will get easier over time.  Of course there are parts of the videos that aren’t perfect, like the sound quality or birds cawing, but so what?  We got them done and had fun!
  6. Do it in a fun place – like from Cabo, or anyplace that would make you feel more fun, comfortable or inspired.  Sure the sound quality might be worse in a random place…but so what?
  7. Be spontaneous – before Onna came over to my house (she comes over on Monday afternoons for these kind of PebbleStorm work/play sessions), I sent her a text “Today we’re doing some video!”…and we just did it.  It was fun because it wasn’t a huge, complicated project.  We jumped into it and did it.
  8. Create a routine – Onna and I are going to do a video interview series, more questions like the “Where did the name PebbleStorm come from?”  As we keep up the weekly drumbeat of videos, it’ll get easier and more fun and smoother… until we decide we need to shake things up.
  9. Don’t worry, be crappyjust grab a camera or turn on a webcam and just do it!!

P.S. – Coaching

I’m now doing one-on-one coaching, to help people take their professional experiences, mash them up with their life passions to create an exciting business that is meaningful and enjoyable…just as I did for myself with PebbleStorm.

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